Wednesday, October 8, 2008

On the future presidential front: the second of three debates between Sen. John McCain and Sen. Barack Obama took place Tuesday night in Tennessee. A thorough synopsis being time consuming and super boring, here are some key points:

  • $5000 Tax credit to buy health care
  • Obama is inexperienced
  • We should win in Iraq and find Osama Bin Laden
  • Offshore drilling and nuclear power immediately
  • I said IMMEDIATELY!! Stop reading and start drilling!

  • McCain is just like Bush
  • We need to prioritize pretty much everything
  • McCain is just like Bush
  • Troops in Iraq should be moved to Afghanistan
  • McCain is just like Bush!!!

Pertaining to your biggest concern:
McCain: I completely agree.
Obama: That is one of the most important issues to me.

Best Question: What don't you know and how will you learn it?
McCain: Doesn't know what will happen in the future or what the unexpected will be.
Obama: Doesn't yet know what he doesn't know, but he will ask his wife to explain it once he figures out what it is.
Analysis: Sen. McCain's admitted lack of clairvoyance is disconcerting to say the least and Sen. Obama's answer points only to a Michelle Obama/Hillary Clinton ticket in 2012 (which McCain will never see coming).

Other Points:
  • Did you know that John McCain served in the military!? Why didn't he mention that before?
  • Barack Obama can seamlessly transition from your question to whatever it is he wants to talk about without your even realizing.
  • John McCain is the least funny presidential candidate since Rutherford B. Hayes in 1876.

1 comment:

Danny Vainner said...

wait, mccain was in the army...